5 essential Ted Talks everyone in the workforce needs to see

The real reason why we are tired, and what to do about it. | Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith

“Ever try to fix your chronic lack of energy by getting more sleep, only to wake up still feeling exhausted? If that’s you, here’s the secret: Sleep and rest are not the same thing.”

Sanundra Dalton Smith, MD, a Board-Certified internal medicine physician, motivational speaker and author, found that sleep isn’t the only type of rest we need. Her talk for TEDxAtlanta goes into the 7 types of rest – physical, mental, sensory, creative, emotional, social & spiritual – that help restore energy, focus and motivation.

How to bounce back from burnout in 3 simple steps | Allen Ting

“They surveyed 614 HR leaders, and 95% of them report that burnout is one of the leading causes why people are quitting their jobs. But that’s not the worst part – None of these HR leaders know how to solve this crisis.”

 After facing corporate burnout so crippling it almost sent him into homelessness, Allen Ting launched himself into studying some of the biggest wellness leaders – from Oprah Winfrey to Arianna Huffington – to see what he could learn about succeeding in the corporate world while supporting, or even enhancing, your mental and emotional health. Now a corporate wellness coach, he dives into how to come back from burnout in his talk for TEDxWilmingtonLive.

The power of mindfulness: what you practice grows stronger | Shauna Shapiro

“The physical pain was difficult, but worse was the fear and the loneliness, and I simply didn’t have the tools to cope. So, I began searching for something that could help.”

After a spinal surgery at 17, Dr. Shauna Shapiro started on a path to mindfulness that led her to a monastery in Thailand. There, she began to discover how the ancient art of mindfulness can create lasting, positive impressions on the brain. She goes into the neuroscience of this practice in her talk for TEDxWashingtonSquare.

How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek

“But the inspired leaders and the inspired organizations – regardless of their size, regardless of their industry – all think, act and communicate from the inside out.”

 More and more, companies are finding that good leaders create good results, but great leaders inspire their team to act in ways that foster even more greatness. Leadership expert Simon Sinek takes a look at greatest leaders in history – from Martin Luther King to the Wright brothers – to see what separates a good leader from a great leader for TEDxPuget Sound.

The brain-changing benefits of exercise | Wendy Suzuki

“Bringing exercise in your life will not only give you a happier, more protective life today, but it will protect your brain from incurable diseases. And in this way, it will change the trajectory of your life for the better.”

Exercise isn’t just good for your body – it can fundamentally change the way your brain works (in all the best ways). Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki takes us into the inner workings of our brains to show how exercise can lift your mood, strengthen your memory and even protect it against diseases like Alzheimer’s for her talk at TEDWomen.